No don’t let any of your minds go in to the gutters…. not “did it” did it. “It” is getting the Water Amendment passed with the support of the Community! As he stated in early 2014 meetings; this was a delicate situation (paying for your own utilities?) and it had to be handled carefully. As with all situations, there will be some who will not be happy and would have preferred to have shared water and sewer expenses; too bad for them. Majority rules in condos. (tongue-in-cheek as often is)
We have been informed that the board, with the assistance of some family members and friends, passed for the 2nd time an amendment for individual submeters. This time of course, it is LEGAL!
Someday , in the not so distant future, we will actually pay for only the water and sewer fees for that which actually use! Until then, wash, wash, till you smell like a dimestore clerk in the fragrance section. May your clothes gleam and your floors be like skating rinks and your skin should be wrinkled from long hot baths!
Break out the Cristal champagne and shake it all over Deboest and Himschoot for that fine legal guidance and keeping the billing under $20,000 to get us back where we already were, over one year ago.
Now that it has been decided (AGAIN) that we have a sub-metering Water Amendment, maybe Van Loon can get 50 % off for the same partner from Deboest and Himschoot’s firm who prepared the first one, Diane Burnside, to prepare the 2nd? It would be like a boiler plate this time, right? Another $2,000, $1,500? who can guess?
I am sure the cracker-jackers will first need to verify the signatures with the same devotion to detail they used when they signed off on the signatures for recalling (firing-throwing off-however you care to phrase it) me from the board and charged at least 4 hours (for 2 separate persons) to do so. Of the over 80 signatures verified, at least one had died one month prior (Thompson) , one moved one month prior (Perino) , one was in collections (no need to name) , and that was off the top of my head. Sloppy, or didn’t really go through them all? The “certification” states they were. Maybe the BOD should do this task themselves, with volunteer owners as witnesses, and save a few dollars since they have WASTED so many with this farce.
It has now been almost two years since the meters began to fail; 15 months since it began to be exposed. Let’s see how long it will take to be corrected and put in place. Hopefully, not another year.