Full news to be mailed or emailed soon; much has happened and only partial or no info provided. This Website is not what I had hoped for and I don’t intend to invest additional funds in one. My husband and I have tried to force fiscal sanity through becoming involved and it does not appear to be having an effect. Other owners need to become involved.
If you were not aware, the 1/28/14 election resulted in the re-election of Paul Weber, the return of the appointed Pam DeCraene, and the initial election of Brenda Hallihan, Rick Aliperti and myself, Catherine Hutton. I had requested the support of both Paul and Brenda, and for the return of ballots, due to the utter lack of accountability of the past President who was joined by Ms. Decraene sometime in Oct 2013, in the debacle referred to as our “Water Meter Scandal” by many. The estimated cost of this financially to date may be a loss of $30-32,000 of Water paid by the association for individuals whose meters failed to transmit readings and thus, no billings were sent, and then the related defense of the VOTE to not accept the free meter repair, read the meters and issue corrected billings, by the attorneys.
I will be updating owners in a letter to be sent, including the “opinion” of the existing Water Amendment being Illegal by Mr. Jason Himschoot, and my free opinion, a non – attorney, using our governing documents, which I was told was the defining reason after 4 months of fighting that it was legal, an estimated $7 to $9,000 of attorneys related fees (not sure, not allowed to see any documents even as a board member on order of the new board president and property manager), and more blame on Jon Miller.
What most don’t know is that attorneys don’t represent owners; they represent the board members. When Ms. Kisner and Ms. Decraene voted to cancel the meter repair, not have their own failed meters read, a new bill issued and pay for their own full time resident usage, they were failing as board members to disclose to us, vital information as we were entitled to:
Coming: Kisner’s organizing of recall; shut out by board on $8 per owner cost for website , maintained for ongoing communication; use of Quickbooks to allow turnover; failure by Sentry to prepare estoppel, current true financial picture and year end 2013; books presented as 100% budgeted income; negative water (applied dues though not designated amounts) financed insurance expense at 16-21% interest – budget 75k, payments multiplied out 92k, no explanation how it will in budget, last year too. Last year Nov 13 proj util was 168k in Nov, books 138k by Sent. No owner report sent April 1. Pres Aliperti says extension. CPA paid 4,500 for audit; revealed no useful information. Board members needed with strong accounting, QB used, scope prop mgr running bod, Fla bod attorney meeting? ; water meters could have been resolved and fixed 3/1. Now 15 mos past failure. Backwards running don’t self correct, People turn around. Look at whose. Not to be finished………Will take a week. Had an unexpected loss, funeral yesterday. We keep hearing about the “majority” from the BOD members in Fla all winter. The majority is every one of us. Not the 40-50 retired. As minority bod member, who is completely ignored by Sentry’s best CAM yet, and it is accepted by the other 4; Projection appears if no changes; legal over budget by 2.5k already this year, AR outstanding 70; out of budgeted 700k (wasn’t planned for but don’t blame Lucia she says, wasn’t her-only another Sentry CAM). Progress: Lot paved-by company Lucia recommended. Areas not done well. Most expensive bid. And, took voting rights, pool use, and clubhouse use from deceased original owner. (Wish I were kidding)