We returned home today from a week’s visit to our condo and received the multi-page package announcing the new and continuing board members. It is tough to be away from the future owners as you can see below:
Having had the opportunity to speak with incoming board member, Mr. Bob Barnett, at length on one occasion, we believe he will bring experience, sensibility and knowledge needed to guide the team.
The day of our last departure, November 12th was a bit disturbing as at we needed to leave for the airport by 5pm, a time at which the parking lot remained closed for repairs to the seal-coating performed initially in April. At 5 pm we were told we could not return our car to its spot. Many other owners were stuck outside the gate, trying to return from work or simply return. The posted notice stated it would re-open around 1 or 1:30 that day.
When we arrived last week, there was another notice stuck in the crack of doors regarding another repair scheduled for November 19th.
It was slightly amusing as the company selected for the work was STRONGLY endorsed by the CAM at the February meeting, who stated they were excellent and she had worked with them before. We were not told when or if it were when she was with Sentry, since she had been hired only in October 2013. Our suggestion was to ask for a similar project in the area and do a reference check or a drive-by look. The board voted to approve the company following the CAM endorsement and after the vote, an owner and member of the “paving committee” attempted to speak about the company selected, with reservations. The owner was advised that the vote had been taken and no more discussion would be held on the matter. As this owner is reported to have years of experience in the paving business, his opinions may have prevented the repeat repair work. Another owner had told us that you don’t schedule the job in the rainy season. Oh well…………
Below is a picture of the lot in front of our building, taken this week:
Not the best resolution, but you get the picture. Another amusing sign that has been posted in the clubhouse for the past month is below:
We were trying to find the “wet suites” but could not locate them. :). Spell check can only do so much.
Thank you to the owner who forwarded to us the notices of the scheduled meetings for December; a Board meeting for 12/3/14 with topics of returning funds to the Reserve accounts from the Special Assessment funds. We aren’t clear how Reserve Funds can be used for operating expenses without a vote at an owner meeting, or how there can be a Special Assessment and then the funds replace Reserves but would like to find out. It appears a vote will now be taken, post bililng, for the back-meter billing fairness 2013, based on “fairness” after the fact.
Also a 12/10/14 meeting of a “Submeter Workshop” with Victor Lucas of UUS Water Billing Co to speak. We seem to recollect workshops and speakers already having taken place, and yet still no metered water. Surely other owners would appreciate knowing when meetings are scheduled; not only those at VLC.
Jim and I had the pleasure of visiting from 11/5 through 11/12 and found that on the first day there, the pool was closed. We were not aware of any pool closure and did our first day errands; grocery store, etc. When we finished, we headed to the pool and found the closed signs. Had we known in advance, we would have planned to go to the beach instead. (WEBSITE NEEDED FOR VAN LOON). We made the best of it anyway and Jim had two kind-hearted women, separately, warn him that something might fall off of him from the cleaning chemicals. He faced his fears and enjoyed the cooling water and his Coors Lite.
We also noted the flyer posted on the bulletin boards for the parking lot closure on 11/12 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Why was the lot scheduled to be closed? Hmmm, because the company contracted did not complete the work in April to the specifications stated? It was the CAM, Ms. Stiles who recommended the contractor and at the end of the meeting, an owner who had been in the business advised against using them. I suggested that we request references for similar large projects but was rebuked by Mr. Aliperti for being negative. When the job was scheduled in April, it was immediately apparant that the work was not done to the expectations.
When we arrived in November, a bulletin board notice advised that the entire lot was to be closed for half a day on 11/12. We had some of our family leaving for the airport early on 11/12 and left our classic Lincoln and rental car outside the gate. The rest of our group was leaving at 5pm for the airport on 11/12 and we were informed that we could not return our car to the carport. SMH as they say in Texting. (Shaking my head) All around the gate were cars waiting to return from work, pick up people and not happy. Can I say “I told ya so”?
We also noticed that a couple of the BOD members were doing lawn maintenance on Saturday. This can be seen two ways: nice to help out or not what condo purchases are about. If we don’t rake or spread mulch, we don’t care? We think, if someone wants to do yardwork, they buy a single family home as we have in New Jersey. If it makes them happy, that is great but owners who think dues should pay for landscaping should not be looked at as less interested, should they?
We have all received our $320 increase for 2015 and I am sure some think it is okay. Others realize that our dues have increased from $3,272 in 2013 to $4,380 in 2015. 34% increase? That is not including the Special Assessment in 2014 of $730, or the “fairness tax” which is to help cover the serious deficit caused by the inaction of the 2013 BOD President to fix our meters (and to beat the dead horse – Board Only!). But we do have FREE WATER! I must say that when we had 5 family members staying with us for a few days in November, and constant showers, we were thankful! If only we could get the Electric to be in the dues, we would invite them all the time! Hahaha.
Moving in to March 2014, no visible progress had been made. The board could not move one way or the other and the only uniting factor seemed to be omitting me from communications – for being too negative. My review of the budget, finances and situation left from 2013 was negative, remains negative and it was the Salesman versus the Accountant. Most owners had and have no idea who Jim and I were/are and easily believed what they were told about my destroying board progress. We could not figure out how this was possible since they were the majority, as Ms. Hallihan wrote to Mr. Aliperti. The 4 of their votes made mine a zero.
Occasionally, Paul Weber or Brenda Hallihan would include me on what the other 4 were discussing. One such inclusion, was a meeting planned with the “legal team” for the “Florida Board Members”, to discuss the meters. Mr. Aliperti explained the purpose of the “NO CHARGE” meeting was to discuss water meter issues and why I was omitted. 2014 03 07 Rick_Fla_only_by_Lucia_Cathy_must_call_him I was also corrected (again) for using his proper name. At this point, I had not yet met Mr. Aliperti in person and did not, and do not, consider ourselves to be friends or even have the same long-range interests for Van Loon’s financial health. I prepared a note regarding open owner meetings (one of many) and with the section from our condo docs that allowed 2 methods for the passage of amendments. Chapter_718_Atty_Meet_No_Owners This was reviewed by the attorneys and the board members present (the majority 4) left the meeting, with Ms. Stiles present, believing the amendment was legally passed. The minutes received stated that the amendment was legal, which many of us who have been around since the vote, have known throughout this farce. 2014 03 13_mins.
With love and gratitude, I received this friendly notice from Mr. Aliperti, that he was again blocking all emails from me. 2014_03_14_Blocking_Again_Call_Me Yet I should still call him…..maybe kiss the ring?? lol
Newsletters were mailed to owners describing how billing would commence and how there was a Surplus in March (not complicated but read Underwater analysis for March) … just because you don’t pay all the amount budgeted for a month, or incur the expenses (maintenance, cleaning) in a particular month – and if you are using EXPECTED or budgeted revenues, you may not really have a Surplus……
Through Brenda Hallihan, Mr. Aliperti then requested a meeting with me as Jim and I do spend time at VLC throughout the year and were present in March. I offered him to stop at our condo and stated that we could not meet, three of us at the clubhouse as requested, as that constituted a board meeting in violation of the Sunshine Laws. Both visited while we were cleaning our condo on our last day that trip and Mr. Aliperti again told me what a nice guy he was and about the good of Van Loon. I could not agree with him as for the past two months, it appeared that he was selling snow to Eskimos, was most concerned with the “appearance” of the board as organized and “professional” as he chastised in one email and had not bothered to increase his knowledge of the governing statutes, documents, not for profit accounting, etc…..
By April, no communications were including me and I repeatedly asked to be included by Ms. Stiles of Sentry Management, through Mr. Aliperti who replied to me by email that the reason I “felt excluded”….blah blah blah. Sorry, I did not step up to get involved to join Girl Scouts, a bird watching society or to sing kumbayah together. Having a licensed CAM include 4 of 5 board members is unprofessional but was not objected to by any of the other members. Receiving email from Mr. Aliperti to the others, and Ms. Stiles directing them to include “appropriate only” confirmed that it was by agreement, not accident.
Next up: The recall and lack of progress for meters – June “waffling” by Richard Deboest, Esquire….the late notification for the audit report which stated our entire water expense for 2013 was under $1000!, and the recent billing, going back 18 months???? Part 3. The “Public Notice” needs to be taken apart too.
For busy people like us, there is no such thing as a holiday weekend. To me (Cathy) world news and international political problems, Ebola, etc are far more urgent and important than Van Loon Commons. And of course, they come after my family.
In the past 6 months, Jim and I have lost his mother, been blessed with Cathy’s first grandson, had a son with a knee replacement at 21 and Jim had open heart surgery in mid September. Being who we are and how we are; we made our planned trip to VLC on 10/3, 16 days post surgery for him and enjoyed 2 of the 4 days on the beach.
Today, was one of our son’s birthdays, which with 7 kids, spouses and now grandkids, cover many calendar days. Tomorrow, I will post additional emails, videos or other commentary which takes more time than you can imagine to sort through, convert or upload, such as to You Tube. Any techies who are owners (or interested parties) with necessary skills will be appreciated.
(Click on photo to enlarge-thank you again for your submissions)
As owners who come and go frequently, it would be helpful to be informed in an equal manner as owners and residents at the property, when the lot will be closed. Many owners have physical limitations that if they were to arrive, uninformed, could cause difficulty if unable to drive to their building. An email notification or website posting would be appreciated and shouldn’t be too difficult.
At the last meeting on 9/9/14, less than 30 persons were in the clubhouse, and considering joint owners, less than 20 units represented. Regular communication using technology is free, fast, efficient and in 2014, could and should be used. It would not eliminate the requirement to post on buildings in prescribed timeframes, but would serve the majority of owners as an enhancement.
The board and management company are aware that only 30 or so units are occupied full time; all owners deserve to be kept informed whether at VLC or not. IMHO.
Regarding the Parking Lot: We still want to know how $23,000 was in, and remains in the General Ledger reserve balances while owners were charged $14,500 as part of the 2014 Special Assessment. No answer from the board or Sentry Mgmt. At least we know we have the funds for the next time the paving is needed!
New traffic rules for buildings 1125 through 1141 have been issued and posted. Again, we were present for the 9/9/14 board meeting and this was not discussed nor voted on. Hopefully, we will all remember to heed the changes, though “ticketing” is probably not enforceable. Can the Domino’s delivery driver be issued a VIOLATION? Thank you to the photographer for sharing:
2014 09 28 Update: As expected, no response has been made by the BOD or have the minutes where the vote for the back bill for 2013 identified. Besides, it is only the Huttons asking and they are a nuisance! Well, prior to asking, of course we reviewed minutes posted to the Sentry document repository, and found July minutes which didn’t include any vote on the billing and there was no August meeting; we were present for the September which we recorded and posted and no vote was taken there.
So, there was not any BOD vote or discussion with owners present, but who cares? The majority of owners voted for the BOD so following rules and procedures shouldn’t matter, right?
The link above is a letter emailed to the board members and CAM Lucia Stiles with questions many are asking. It is clear that despite statements of “best financial position”, we are broke. The idea to back-bill for the period of June through December 2013 is ludicrous, whether the water and sewer fixed cost allocation was fair or not. (again, we agree that it was not fair, also know no malice was intended when billing was set up but were not given the information last year by the board as it was hush hush and agreed to not discuss with the outsiders/uh owners).
The current board has floundered and acts as more of a sales team than knowlegable business persons, operating a small not for profit. Projecting a positive image, professionalism, unity, and also trashing the repuations of the Huttons will not reduce expenses nor generate additional funds. Last year, it was the “former property manager”. Honest and intelligent evaluation of our current position and adherence to the statutes and governing documents will. To accopmplish this, many changes need to be made of board members and management. We believe VLC association has owners possessing the skills and backgrounds to serve.
Projection, not prediction: There will be another Special Assessment or Dues Increase for 2015 as we continue to mismanaged. We are looking forward to the board’s justification of the recent Special Assessment by another name; especially the minutes for the meeting this was passed from. Check back.
In 3 parts, we have posted the video/audio for the most recent BOD meeting as in our opinions, should always be posted to a VLC run website. Present for the meeting were 28 owners in total, including us and the BOD members seated. Of those, some were married couples meaning about 16-17 units were represented. One of the problems noted is the blanket acceptance of what is orally stated at meetings, without further explanation.
We first noted that the new BOD member, Ms. Carol Nelson (who appears to be sharp) was seated at the table prior to any BOD vote being initiated and taken, as if previously agreed to. (not a big deal but further indicator meetings are not to discuss and debate issues and problems, but presentations) Next, an owner we’ll call “Mr. G” asked if the BOD knew the meeting was being recorded and is that allowed. The CAM and BOD stated it was. Many owners have not read the statutes and/or governing docs, or have difficulty with the language, which include owners rights to record.
During the meeting, the small group was told that VLC is in the best financial position in a long time. The discussion of elevator repair and only being billed for half was first attributed by Mr. Aliperti to the CAM for her “negotiating skills”. A correction was added that we will be billed for the full amount (cash flow is the problem). The lack of any finality on the meters was attributed to “waffling” of the lawyers. For the past year, this group has been made aware that a separate and credentialed attorney disagreed and her opinion was confirmed by one we consulted with. Meanwhile, some are benefitting slightly with subsidized water/sewer and all have been billed an additional $1,600 to $1,700 in 2014. Our FREE WATER and SEWER is not really a benefit for many who like us, use their condo for vacations, maybe 40 to 60 days per year.
The recent bill that went out was stated as being “fair”; fair to go backwards to a prior year to reallocate the billing for water and the fixed costs related and that no owners had objected so far. That isn’t what we were told from owners who contacted us – in fact one stated they would pay the usage that wasn’t billed (and isn’t accurate anyway using a monthly estimate taken May or July 2014, not 12/31/13) and was told not to worry about the $20 per month. How bills can be issued backwards, while not billing based on the (illegal?) water amendment is baffling. It is an assessment, another “Special Assessment”. to try to balance the deficit. If not called one, it seems there isn’t any basis to force anyone to pay this while calling the amendment illegal.
Also, the statement regarding “an owner” challenging the election, which you cannot 60 days after…….never happened. What was requested was to see the ballot supposedly submitted by former property manager, for our unit. Never happened. We have the ONE ballot, pre-printed; he never tried to vote for us. We gave him a POA form, and a proxy for the audit. That is it. If he were directed to sign the “sign-in” sheet in error, that would be the fault of whomever was volunteering. It is beyond ridiculous to hear these statements (which are false and stupid) repeated, and know our finances are in the hands of those making them.
As for the limiting of information requests: It should not be difficult to obtain actual financial info and no policies are in place or forms to request. Instead, the statutes and docs state we are entitled to review it, as we are ALL equal owners. Instead, past and present BODs have denied information, using attorneys and property managers to do so. (Just accept what we tell you-you elected us!) Prior to our September visit, I requested the updated legal bills and was provided what appear to be partial. The response from the CAM was that a cert letter had to be sent. That is NOT what the statutes and docs say. Instead of the BOD studying them, it seems from the meeting the attorneys were consulted again (paid) and the BOD advised to not make any changes at this time.
Regarding the Treasurer’s report: We were impressed by Ms. Nelson for asking the CAM to allow the Treasurer, Mr. Weber to read it prior to her commentary. The numbers Mr. Weber read would lead most of those present to think our finances are great! We have over $225k cash between our 2 accounts! Now what is on the books for reserves? What Special Assessment projects are not done, or return of reserves (35k) not complete? What bills are being held back (like the unbilled elevator repair); what amount is tenant security deposits, accounts payable, etc…The first and large insurance payment will be due prior to 10/1/14 also. It is more than just the checks written and not cashed that affect the true 8/31/14 balance, such as in my estimated analysis of 3/31 and 5/31. As for the year end deficit number; that is why we need a FINANCE COMMITTEE. I know we have several degreed accountants and finance persons who are owners and could be reviewing the actual cash position right now; expected amount to recover from Accounts Receivables (review Safe Harbor law) and in the process of preparing the 2015 budget; determining whether another “Special Assessment” will be needed, dues increase, year end expectation, etc.
Hope the sound is okay; we don’t want to watch it again.